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Liquid Chalk - 250mL
  • Liquid Chalk - 250mL

    SKU: 850017961128

    Danger Buddies Liquid Chalk is formulated for maximum friction, minimal mess & rapid drying. If you've never used liquid chalk before, you'll be amazed by how well it works. It coats your hands in a nice, even layer, with 70% alcohol, this chalk dries in seconds & lasts a complete climb without the need to reapply mid-route. Best of all, there's no messy dust to breathe in! Use it as a total replacement for your powdered chalk or, if you're a heavy chalker, use it as a base layer, then reapply your standard powder chalk as you climb. 


    There's no secret in this stuff - just good old Magnesium Carbonate, 70% Alcohol & a little hydroxypropyl cellulose (a plant-based thickening agent, FDA-approved as a food additive and as a  key ingredient in eyedrops).


    This 250mL bottle is ideal for climbers, weight lifters, gynmasts, aerial yogis & more! It lasts for about 300 average-sized applications. It also makes an excellent, cost-effective refill for our 50mL bottle, available here


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